All fees must be paid on or before the first day of term.


The Institute provides adequate modern library facilities for reading, reference and research. An additional section on text book collection  as a feeder sector to other schools and institutions.


 Extra Curricular Activities

Students are encouraged to participate in various activities such as athletics, Sports, Music, Drama, Rangers, Choir, YWCA Youth Club (Y-teens), Red Cross and Sierra Leone Evangelical Fellowship for students(SLEFS).



The system is based on continuous assessment through the year, supplemented by monthly tests. Students will also be required to take the mid-year and end of year examinations.

Examinations:   At the end of the course, students offering Catering are required to sit to the National Vocational Certificate Examination (NVC) whereas those offering Business and Secretarial Studies sit to the National Technical Certificate (NTC) Examination. Both are conducted by the National Council for Technical, vocational and other Academic Awards NTCVA.   End of Course Examinations for Continuing Education Programme and the Evening Classes are organized internally.

Attendance:       Regular attendance throughout the course is very important as attendance and comportment assessment influence the final examination grade. Attendance should not be less than 85%.

Conditions for the Award of Transcript

The transcript is issued to certify that the student:

v  has completed the course

v  has trained in specific subjects indicating the area of study

v  has fulfilled the other conditions required by the regulations.

The transcript shall indicate:

  • Continuous assessment grades i.e.
  • Attainment percentage
  • Comportment grade
  • Attendance grade
  • Work Experience
  • End of course examination results (theory and practical)